Our foundational faith calls us to affirm the inherent dignity in, and live in solidarity with, all women and men. Notre Dame strives to live out this calling by becoming a community that promotes mutual understanding and opportunity for all.
Principles of Diversity and Inclusion
Our commitment to diversity and inclusion arises from our aspirations about the community we want to be, the educational environment we hope to provide our students, and the moral character they will develop during their time with us. It goes to the heart of our mission, to who we are and to what we want to be.
Respect the dignity of every person
We affirm the transcendent dignity and worth of every human person, from conception to natural death, regardless of race, nationality or ethnic group, religious tradition, gender, socioeconomic class, immigration status, sexual orientation, or anything else.
Build a Notre Dame community in which all can flourish
Human beings are inescapably social, and the flourishing of each individual is possible only in a social context in which we each have responsibilities to others and others have reciprocal responsibilities to us. Together, we strive to realize the common good—that which enables any sort of community and its members to flourish individually and collectively.
Live in solidarity with all, particularly the most vulnerable
We are called to live in solidarity with all people, which arises from recognizing that the well- being of each person is a concern for us all. We are all, in one way or another, our sister’s and brother’s keeper. Solidarity demands that we strive to overcome fragmentation and separation to see the deeper unity we share with all people.
Read more at weareall.corporatefilmfest.com.
Campus Groups and Initiatives
Accessibility Services
The Center for Student Support and Care coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. These accommodations include modifications to a course, program, or activity that allows a student with a disability to gain equal access. Students may request accommodations each semester.
Gender Relations Center
The Gender Relations Center (GRC) designs and implements programs about healthy relationships, gender, and sexuality consistent with the Catholic character of the University. The GRC seeks to engage the campus in respectful dialogue and build a community that fully honors the human dignity of every student. It was the first office of its kind within collegiate student affairs nationwide.
Multicultural Student Programs and Services (MSPS)
MSPS works to ensure historically underrepresented students feel welcome and supported at Notre Dame. They are advocates who provide academic services, cultural enrichment programming, and research grants for all students who would like to explore questions of identity, diversity, and race.
Office of Student Enrichment
The Office of Student Enrichment offers programming and resources for members of the Notre Dame community who identify with the first-generation college and/or low-income student experience, including international, undocumented and DACA, transfer, and other non-traditional background students. By providing the Notre Dame community the opportunity to have a conversation about the unique circumstances many students face, the Office of Student Enrichment helps under-resourced students to flourish under the Dome.
Title IX
Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in all university programs and activities, including, but not limited to, admissions, recruiting, financial aid, academic programs, student services, counseling and guidance, discipline, class assignment, grading, recreation, athletics, housing, and employment.
Sexual harassment and sexual violence are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Title IX also prohibits retaliation against people for making or participating in complaints of sex discrimination.
The University of Notre Dame does not tolerate sexual and discriminatory harassment of any student, faculty, or staff member of the University community. Together, we strive to create an inclusive and safe environment where all individuals can flourish.